Today's Thought

Today's Thought. 
I am never exempt from personal accountability. I Hear, I Choose, I Decide, I Act. 

Enlightenment Thought. 
Just as eating and serving something sweet makes your taste buds feel sweetness, and for a while after, you remain happy, become sweet-natured yourself so that words filled with sweetness are constantly spoken. Such sweet words make both you and others happy. Use this method to always sweeten everyone's mouth; constantly maintain a sweet attitude, sweet words and sweet actions. 

Self improvement Thought. 
Patience: Patience is a virtue and a power too. Patience tells us that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and that we get over there one step at a time. Patience teaches us not to rush. Knowing that there is a reason and a season for everything, it enables us to smile at the challenges, realizing that there is an answer to every problem. And, even though we cannot see it, yet there is awareness that within every crisis lies an opportunity. 

Treasure yourself as a unique soul. 
Do you compare yourself to other people? Do you rank yourself better or worse than others according to your appearance, your job, your possessions, your friends, your talents and skills, your gender, or your intelligence? 

Most of us focus on our imperfections. As a reaction, and to protect ourselves, we transform these feelings of inadequacy into the belief that we’re better than everyone else. In truth we are all equally valuable. Override your doubts and insecurities. Repeatedly affirm today that you are unique, there is no one like you.


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